Friday, April 17, 2009

Sermon Thoughts (4-19-09)

It's commonly known in Christian circles that the Church started at Pentecost. But as we see here in this passage, it was during Jesus' first appearance to the Disciples that Jesus first gave the Holy Spirit thus giving birth to the Church. That what happened in Acts 1-2 was the empowering not giving birth to the Church like what most people think.

The events on this passage happened the evening of Easter. The Disciples were still startled and confused following the events on Good Friday. As far as the Disciples were concerned, they see themselves as complete failures as they allowed their Master to suffer and die on the Cross. For the first time in a long time they find themselves powerless, helpless, and unable to forgive themselves as they couldn't protect their Master; the one who gave them hope for the future. And now that their leader is gone, life, as they know it, will never be the same again. For a brief moment the Disciples lost their way.

But it was at this moment that Jesus came to them and said, "Peace be with you" (Jn. 20:26). Passing through the lock doors, he came and showed them the marks on his hands and sides. Then after that, he comissioned them and gave them the Holy Spirit (restored them) that they can be the Church for the world. All of a sudden, the Disciples got their groove back.

Like the Disciples, there are moments in our lives when we think that life is over because the door closed on us, and things didn't come out the way we planned. We feel powerless and defeated. But Jesus comes to us through the "close doors" of life and gives us his presence. All of a sudden, everything is alright with the world. We are restored! Thanks be to God! Amen

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