Sunday, May 17, 2009

Reflecting on the Final Moments of Jesus

Chapter 26 of William Barclays book The Mind of Jesus talks about the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. It starts out with the description of the place where he suffered and died the placed called Skull. Then Barclay described the details of how they situated and decorated Jesus. During their parade of Jesus, Barclay said, they made sure that the sign "This is Jesus, King of the Jews" was displayed in different languages, and that their prisoner was was also seen by a lot of people by going to the longest route possible to make clear that this is the fate that awaits those who are contemplating on doing any crime.

Jesus then began carrying part of the Cross. Afterwards a man named Simon of Cyrene took the weight of Jesus' shoulder by carrying the Cross for him.

It was at Golgotha where the journey of Jesus and the Cross ended. While hanging on the Cross, Jesus uttered seven words.

Among the words that made an impression on me were the words "It is finished" and "Father into your hands I commit my spirit."

It is finished. When Jesus said these words he never intended it to be a cry of pain or despair. Rather, he meant it to be a word of triumph. That he has done everything that his Father has asked him to do. That there is nothing more that he can add to it. It was done. It was finished. He was victorious As I think about this word I can't help but think about our work here on earth. How many of us can say the words it is finished? How many of us can say we have done everything that our God wanted us to do? Or are there still some things that we need to work on? Why is it hard for people (i.e. athletes) to say it is finished? Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, Mario Lemieux, Brett Favre; they all had a hard time saying it is finished as they all came back from their respective retirement. Why? Is it because they feel they still haven't done everything that they needed to do, or that they simply missed being the center of everybody's attention?

Father into you hands I commit my spirit. Here is the final word of Jesus. A word that show confidence in God. That everything is going to be okay. Despite everything that has happened to him: betrayal by one of his disciples; abandonment by his closest friends; his arrest and trial; and his crucifixion; and the mere absence of his Heavenly Father Jesus is saying to all the world that yes everything may seem chaotic and bleak but, God is still in control. Everything is going to be alright. How many of us can say these words. The world may seem hopeless and bleak, but God is still in control and that everything is going to be okay?

It was after he said these words that he bowed his head and breathe his last breath. 

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