Friday, June 26, 2009

Annual Conference Bible Study

Rev. Randy Maddox led this year's Bible study at Annual Conference at Redlands. His passages were 1 Samuel 3:1-10 and Luke 2:25-32. When we discussed the 1 Samuel passage in our respective Wesley Circles our group noted several key words from the pericope. They were the "responsiveness" "openness" "obedience" and "readiness to serve" of Samuel. It was also noted from the passage that children were not heard in those days and that the Word of the Lord was rare in those days. There was the thought that maybe one of the many reasons people didn't hear the Lord's voice was that they were not "consecrated for the Lord." Furthermore, it was also said that listening and participating are all part of being in the Body of Christ.

The other passage was Luke 2:25-32. This passage features Simeon who was waiting his entire lifetime for the coming of the consolation of the Lord. Here is someone who is waiting for something to happen. His waiting here is somewhat different from the way we wait today. Today we only wait for the "next big thing." For the most parts we don't get too excited because we know the feeling is not going to last. We will always be waiting for the next one...the next big thing. But Simeon knew this is different. Simeon knew this is the One. That his wait was over. The question now becomes what priorities are we willing to spend time on? Have we found God? Have we found the One, or are we still searching?
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